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Coronavirus: More than 100 deaths reported in DR Congo

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Kinshasa, DR Congo, June 12 (Infosplusgabon) - DR Congo on Thursday recorded three more deaths among coronavirus patients, bringing the number of deaths to 101, the technical secretariat of the multi-sectoral committee for the response against Covid-19 said in its daily bulletin.




According to figures given the National Institute of Biomedical Research (INRB), 122 new confirmed cases have been reported in the city of Kinshasa.


In addition, 13 new cures have been registered, bringing the total number of cured patients to 570. Some 3,197 patients have recovered.


Since the declaration of the pandemic, a total of 4,637 cases have been reported, including 4,636 laboratory-confirmed cases and 1 probable case. Currently, 513 suspected cases are under investigation.


A total of eleven provinces in DR Congo are affected by the pandemic, including Kinshasa Province (4,186 cases), Central Kongo (221 cases), North Kivu (54 cases), Haut-Katanga (61 cases), South Kivu (106 cases), Ituri (2 cases), Kwilu (2 cases), Kwango (1 case), Haut-Katanga (1 case), Tshopo (1 case) and Equateur (1 case).




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