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Burkinabe ruling party says next elections must be held on November 22 despite terrorism, Covid-19

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Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, June 11 (Infosplusgabon) - The president of the ruling People's Movement for Progress (MPP) in Burkina Faso, Simon Compaoré, said on Thursday that the presidential and legislative elections in the country will be held on November 22, despite terrorism.




"The MPP still solemnly reaffirms today that the national electoral agenda must be scrupulously respected and, consequently, the elections should take place on due date next November 22," Compaoré during a press briefing.


He said political opponents are using the terrorist threats and the health crisis as an excuse to demand the postponement of the elections.


"Certainly, we face these two major challenges, but we cannot run the risk of plunging our country into a legal vacuum and delivering it to all possible errors. This is unacceptable and intolerable," said Compaoré.


"To organize elections on the prescribed dates, is to reaffirm the sovereignty of Burkina Faso over the entire national territory and give carte blanche (full discretionary power) to the elected officials to continue the fight against terrorism and Covid-19.


He recalled that the Constitution stipulates that electoral mandates are valid for five years, at the end of which it is imperative to convene the electorate so that it can express its choice again by universal suffrage.


"It is a democratic principle from which the MPP will not deviate," he argued, adding that the government will create conditions of maximum security, so that the Burkinabè people can exercise their civil rights on November 22, 2020.


"Certainly, the security and health constraints are real, however, we must not lose sight of the institutional crisis that our country may experience due to any blockage in the electoral process," he warned.


Since 2015, Burkina Faso has been the target of terrorist attacks that have left several hundreds dead (military and civilian) and thousands of displaced people.





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