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Top Europeans officials call for an immediate ceasefire and constructive negotiation in Libya

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Paris, France, June 11 (Infosplusgabon) - In a joint statement, the High Representative of the European Union (EU) and the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of France, Germany and Italy have called on the parties to the Libyan conflict to end military operations immediately and engage in constructive negotiations.


"Following the constructive commitments made in Cairo on June 6, relating to the cessation of fighting, the resumption of dialogue and the conclusion of a ceasefire within the framework of the 5 + 5 joint military committee, we urge all Libyan and international parties to put an immediate and effective end to all military operations and to engage in constructive negotiations in a 5 + 5 format, based on the draft agreement of February 23," said the European diplomats.


For the Europeans, these efforts must lead all the parties to quickly reach an agreement, within the framework of the 5 + 5 committee, on a ceasefire agreement providing in particular for the withdrawal of all foreign forces, mercenaries and military equipment delivered in violation of the United Nations arms embargo.


The European diplomats also called on the parties to the conflict to participate constructively in all aspects of the inter-Libyan dialogue conducted under the aegis of the United Nations, in order to move towards a comprehensive political agreement within the framework of the parameters approved in Berlin, Germany.


The situation in Libya has gradually deteriorated with the killing of Colonel Mouammar Gaddafi in October 2011 and has doubled in intensity since April 4 with the fighting taking place near Tripoli between the troops of the Army loyal to the Government of National Accord (GNA), chaired by Fayez Al-Sarraj, and recognized by the international community, and the Libyan National Army (LNA), led by Marshal Khalifa Haftar, with a death toll of over 1,000 and 128,000 displaced.


The two protagonists are supported by foreign countries which do not respect the arms embargo in Libya, established by the resolutions of the Security Council of the United Nations. The involvement of those countries has contributed to the significant escalation of hostilities on the ground.




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