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Met. Dept. predicts higher-than-normal rainfall in Niger

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Niamey, Niger, June 11 (Infosplusgabon) - There is a 50 percent probability that this year's rainfall will be higher than normal in Niger, the government daily Le Sahel reported on Thursday, citing the national meteorological services.


The meteorological bulletin forecasts that in 2020, the rainy season will be wet or surplus on the agropastoral strip, specifically in the period July through to September.


According to the weather forecast, there is a 50 pc probability that rainfall will be higher than normal, a 35 pc probability that rainfall will be equal to normal, and a 15 pc probability that rainfall will be lower than normal.


"This is why warning systems are being put in place to redirect farmers and those concerned in this area," says the National Director of Meteorology, Katiélou Gaptia Lawel.


"While the rainy season is in full swing all over the interior of the country, in the capital, this is not the case. And it is this state of affairs in particular that worries farmers in the capital, for whom the rains are slow in coming," the daily notes.


Faced with the delay in the rainy season, certain anxiety is gaining ground among the population of Niamey, especially farmers.


Although legitimate, these concerns must be moderated.


But, says the weather director, "the rainy season does not start uniformly throughout the country.


"We are only at the start of the season. Therefore, it is important to remember that the start of the season is not the same everywhere," he said.


In this regard, the National Director of Meteorology points out that the rainy season is generally expected in May in the Dendi Zone.


In Niamey, on the other hand, the rains will probably start in June, especially around 15 June.





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