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GNA splashes $70 million on families of victims of the Libyan war

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Tripoli, Libya, June 11 (Infosplusgabon) - The President of the Presidential Council of the Government of National Accord (GNA), Fayez Al-Sarraj, on Thursday ordered that 100 million dinars (about US$ 71.94 million) be made available for the families of missing persons (martyrs) and amputees from the military operations, "Volcano of Anger" and "Al-Bounyan Al-Marsous", prosecuted by the GNA and those "of the February 17 revolution".


Mr. Al-Sarraj announced the financial package during his meeting with the GNA Minister of Finance, Faraj Boumtari, on Thursday. Both officials discussed, among other things, payments to the families of the martyrs, those missing in action, and the injured.


PANA recalls that during more than a year of Haftar's military offensive against Tripoli, more than 300,000 people were displaced from the fighting zones on the outskirts of the Libyan capital, according to United Nations.


Generally housed in precarious shelters, these IDPs have endured much suffering due to the lack of access to basic services such as health care, housing, food, water, electricity and education for their children.


After the defeat of Haftar's troops, mines and explosive devices have been abandoned in the areas they occupied in Tripoli, and these have killed 27 civilians and wounded 40 others, according to statistics from the Joint Committee to identify and document the human rights violations at the Libyan Ministry of Justice.


This had delayed the return of the IDPs to their homes while awaiting demining operations.




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