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Coronavirus: China donates medical equipment to Niger to combat Covid-19

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Niamey, Niger, June 11 (Infosplusgabon) - China on Thursday offered medical equipment, worth about 360 million CFA francs, to support Niger in its plan to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, according to official sources.




The support is composed of 10,000 test kits, 20,000 protective masks, 350,000 surgical bibs, 10,000 protective suits, 15,000 protective glasses, 15,000 pairs of disposable gloves, and 3,000 pairs of theatre shoes.


The Nigerien Minister of Humanitarian Action and Disaster Management, Laouan Magagi, noted that "this grant from the Chinese government will strengthen the capacity to diagnose cases, and therefore improve the care of many people with COVID-19".


The Chinese Ambassador to Niger, Zhang Lijun, expressed the hope that "this batch of equipment will help the government and people of Niger to consolidate the successes achieved in the fight against COVID-19".


China had already offered Niger large batches of medical equipment, including 8 respirators, 39,800 nucleic acid test kits, and 183,000 protective masks.


In addition, the Chinese Embassy has launched a new order for medical supplies and equipment worth nearly 240 million CFA francs, including 700,000 surgical flaps and 30 respirators expected soon in Niger, Lijun said.


As of 10 June 2020, Niger recorded some 974 confirmed cases of coronavirus patients, of which 876 have been cured, 65 died, and 33 patients still undergoing treatment.


To cope with the pandemic, the Nigerien government developed a response plan estimated at over 1400 billion CFA francs.





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