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Coronavirus: Libya's cases reach 256

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Tripoli, Libya, June 7 (Infosplusgabon) - Libya has recorded 17 new cases of coronavirus infections, bringing the total number of confirmed Covid-19 infections in the country to 256, the Libyan National Centre for Disease Control announced on Sunday.


In a statement, the Centre said it received 396 samples on Saturday, including 156 samples from the Tripoli Community Health Reference Laboratory, 57 from the Misrata Branch Laboratory, 59 from the Sebha Branch Laboratory, 76 from the Benghazi Medical Centre Laboratory, 12 from the al-Kouweifiya Hospital Laboratory in Benghazi, and 36 from the Tripoli University Hospital Laboratory.


According to the statement, the cases discovered included two Nigerians residing in Tripoli, three new cases from Tripoli, Sebha and Sabratha, one case of a Chadian citizen residing in Sebha coming to Sabratha, two cases from two Libyans repatriated from Moscow, eight cases of contact with coronavirus patients in Sebha and one resident in Misrata returning from Sebha.


Of the 256 cases of confirmed infections, 199 cases are still carrying the active virus and are being medically followed up, while 52 cases have been cured and 5 deaths have been recorded in the country.


Following the epidemiological situation in Libya, the Presidential Council has taken additional preventive measures, extending the curfew, banning movements between towns, banning prayer in mosques and opening of clothing shops, and other large stores.




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