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Coronavirus: 48 new confirmed cases recorded Saturday in Congo

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Brazzaville, Congo,  June 7 (Infosplusgabon) - The technical coordination of the Coronavirus Response Committee announced that Congo recorded, on Saturday, 48 new confirmed cases of COVID-19, 28 cured and two deaths.

According to the coordinator of the committee, Dr. Gilbert Ndziessi, the cumulative situation is 683 cases positive, 210 cured and 22 deaths.


These confirmed cases have been recorded in seven of the 12 departments of the country. The five departments in the north of the country are almost spared with two positive cases out of the 683 in Congo.


''We once again call on the Congolese population to strictly respect the preventive measures, including the compulsory and correct wearing of masks in open and closed public places,'' said Dr. Ndziessi.


According to him, the toll-free number 3434 is to be contacted in case of signs suggestive of Coronavirus, for an early treatment which could lead to recovery.


Self-medication is to be banned, Dr. Ndziessi warned.





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