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Anti-slavery NGO denounces the recurrence of attacks on liberties in Mauritania

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Nouakchott, Mauritania, June 6 (Infosplusgabon) - The anti-slavery NGO, Initiative for the Resurgence of the Abolitionist Movement (IRA), has expressed its grave concern at the persistence and the increase in attacks on the freedom affecting bloggers and whistle blowers in Mauritania.

"The plight of bloggers and whistle blowers, already worrisome under the governance of former president Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, continues to deteriorate," said the NGO said in a statement on Saturday.


"June 2 Arrest of Biologist Selma Mint Tolba, Alleged Writer of a Series of Audios, Questioning Aspects of the Government's Health Response Against the Coronavirus Pandemic and Denouncing inflated figures to better capture external aid," the NGO wrote.


In the process, two other people who allegedly participated in the broadcasting of the audio were also arrested.


A few days ealier, the government released a statement threatening all those behind allegations aimed at discrediting government's action in the health response to the coronavirus pandemic by spreading false news.


A virulent statement against "the perpetrators and those who sow panic", followed by the violent arrest of two writers, Mohamed Abdallahi ould Bounena and Mohamed Salem ould Souied’Ahmed.


A journalist, Eby ould Zeine, who regularly publishes critical writings "on the dogmatism of Islamic societies, the validity of polygamy, the fast of Ramadan, certain distortions of the original message of the prophet", suffered the same fate.


The IRA statement also recalls the arrest last January of a group of young people for homosexuality.





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