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Red Cross worker killed in attack on humanitarian convoy in north-central Burkina Faso

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Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, June 1 (Infosplusgabon) - At least ten people including five Burkinabe gendarmes were killed on Saturday in an attack on a humanitarian convoy on the Foubé-Barsalogho axis in the north-central zone, government spokesman Remis Dandjinou announced in a statement on Sunday.



The convoy was returning from Foubé after delivering food aid to the local populations.



According to the official, the attack that also left 20 people injured, occurred the same day as the attack on a cattle market in Kompiembiga village in the east of the country where 25 people were killed.



On Friday, 15 traders were killed in another attack on a convoy of traders in the north of the country.



The Burkinabè Army said on Thursday that it had killed ten suspected terrorists in the northwest of the country.




Meanwhile, an agent of Burkina Faso Red Cross who worked on the sites of internally displaced people in the north-central region, was reportedly among 12 victims of the Saturday attack against a humanitarian convoy, the Red Cross announced in a statement on Monday.




The victim was a Burkinabè and worked for the benefit of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the north-central region, according to secretary general W. Lazare Zoungrana, who announced that the offices of the Burkinabè Red Cross will remain closed on June 2, 2020.




On Saturday, around 4 p.m. (local time), a terrorist attack was perpetrated against a humanitarian and medical convoy returning from the camp for IDPs in Foubé while being escorted by elements of the Kaya mobile gendarmerie squadron.




A provisional assessment of the incident has shown seven gendarmes and five civilians were murdered, including a Red Cross agent. Injured people were put at 48.



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