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Niger maintains coronavirus treatment with chloroquine coupled with azithromycin

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Niamey, Niger, June 1 (Infosplusgabon) -  Niger maintains its position on the treatment of coronavirus with chloroquine coupled with azithromycin, Niger's Minister of Public Health, Dr. Idi Illiassou Mainassara, has told the National Assembly.


Responding to a question from a member of the House, Mainassara recalled that at the beginning of the pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) had planned four clinical trial branches, the fourth of which is the combination of chloroquine and Azithromycin, which some said has adverse effects, leading WHO to withdraw this branch and continue with the other three.


"Just because WHO has removed this branch does not mean that all countries must stop it", Dr. Mainassara said, adding that pending a new protocol, national committee experts have advocated continued medical care for patients with Covid-19 through the current protocol, based on chloroquine associated with azithromycin, through which Niger has recorded 813 recovered cases.


However, Dr. Maïnassara has assumed that chloroquine is not recommended as a preventive measure, stressing that its prescription must be in the person tested positive for coronavirus and that it is the doctor's responsibility to institute treatment under medical supervision.



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