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Burkina Faso's 'deadly week' in May sees terrorist attacks claim dozens of lives

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Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, June 1 (Infosplusgabon) - The last week of May was deadly in Burkina Faso with terrorist attacks in several regions leaving dozens dead and injured.


On Friday, a convoy of traders from Titao to Sollé, Loroum province, was attacked by armed terrorist groups, with a provisional death toll of 15 killed, wounded, missing and significant property lost.


On Saturday, a group of terrorists attacked the cattle market in Kompiembiga, in the east of the country, with a provisional death toll of 25 and several wounded.


Ten people, including five Burkinabe gendarmes, were killed on Saturday in an attack on a humanitarian convoy on the Foubé-Barsalogho axis, government spokesperson Remis Dandjinou said in a statement on Sunday.


On Thursday, Burkina Faso's army said it had neutralised 10 terrorists in northwestern Burkina Faso.




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