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Sudan summons Ethiopian charge d'affaires to protest attack near common border

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Khartoum, Sudan, May 30 (Infosplusgabon) - Sudan on Saturday summoned the Ethiopian Charge d’Affaires to officially protest what it called an "Ethiopian army backed militia intrusion inside Sudanese national territories" over the weekend.




The official news agency SUNA said the Ethiopian diplomat to Khartoum was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to officially protest “over the incursion of Ethiopian militias supported by the Ethiopian army and their assault on the Sudanese citizens and the Armed Forces inside the Sudanese territories, a matter which led to the martyrdom and wounding of a number of Sudanese officers and members of the Armed Forces and citizens, including children.”


A foreign ministry statement said the Neighboring Countries Department at the ministry has conveyed to the Ethiopian Charge d’Affaires the “condemnation and rejection by the Sudanese government of this heinous attack, which came at a time preparations were underway in Khartoum to convene the second meeting of the high-level joint committee on the border issues”, due to be co-chaired by the Sudanese Minister of the Cabinet Affairs and the Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister.


The statement said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs demanded that action be taken to end such attacks, and “warned the sustainability and progress of cooperation between the two countries must be based on mutual respect for the sovereignty, independence and borders” of each of them and the right of their peoples to live in safety and peace and to use their natural and economic resources without encroachment or aggression of any party on the other.


Earlier in the week, the Sudanese government accused Ethiopian militias backed by the Ethiopian Army  of attacking  Sudanese Army unit killing one army officer and injuring many other civilians.





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