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Coronavirus: 106 new cases reported in DRC

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Kinshasa, DRC, May 28 (Infosplusgabon) - Some 106 cases of COVID-19 were recorded on Monday in DR Congo, including 92 in Kinshasa, the capital, and 14 in the province of Kongo central, in the southwest of DR Congo, the daily bulletin of the national multi-sectoral committee for the response to the pandemic of COVID-19 reported on Tuesday.


A new death was recorded on Monday, among the confirmed cases. In addition, three new cured cases were notified the same day. A total of 1,549 patients are progressing well.


Since the declaration of the epidemic, there have been a total of 2,402 cases, including 2,401 laboratory confirmed cases and 1 probable case.


So far, there have been 68 deaths and 340 cured. Currently, 333 suspected cases are under investigation.


The 10 most affected health zones in Kinshasa until May 24, 2020, are notably, Limete (248 cases), Kokolo (229 cases), Binza Ozone (194 cases), Gombe (176 cases), Lemba (157 cases), Binza Météo (107 cases), Kintambo (59 cases), Lingwala (52 cases), Matete (45 cases) and Kalamu1 (44 cases).


To date, seven provinces of DR Congo are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. These are Kinshasa (2,198 cases), Kongo Central (165 cases), North Kivu (15 cases), Haut-Katanga (17 cases), South Kivu (4 cases), Ituri (2 cases) and Kwilu (1 case).






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