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Coronavirus: Two new cases reported in Libya

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Tripoli, Libya, May 28 (Infosplusgabon) - Libya recorded two new confirmed coronavirus infections on Tuesday, the Libyan National Center for Disease Control announced, bringing the total number of Covid-19 infections detected in the country to 77.


In a statement, the Center for Disease Control said that of 66 samples submitted for analysis, 64 are negative while 2 are positive.


The source of the 66 samples is distributed as follows: 19 samples from the community health reference laboratory in Tripoli, 12 samples from the Misrata branch laboratory, 6 samples from the Sebha branch laboratory and 29 samples from the Tripoli University Hospital .


Of the 77 cases of confirmed coronavirus infections in Libya, 40 were declared cured while 3 deaths were recorded.







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