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‘Half a century on, Africa’s scorecard is doubtful’ – AU Commission chief

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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 25 (Infosplusgabon) – Africa’s scorecard after s half a century of independence and freedom leaves people in doubt, despite the huge economic potential, its rich, young and dynamic human capital, African Union Commission (AUC) Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat said on Monday.




Most African States have difficulties in ensuring the welfare of their populations, he said in his message on Africa Day, noting that key sectors such as education, health and security are largely dependent on foreign aid.




On top of that, he pointed out, “communitarianism and tribalism have become more marked due to multiparty systems and democratic principles that have oftentimes been perverted”.




On Africa Day, AU Member States commemorate the establishment, on 25 May 1963 in Addis Ababa, of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), the forerunner of the AU.




Besides open crises, caused by terrorism and inter-tribal or inter-religious conflicts to post-electoral crises, Africa is constantly beset, here and there, by scenes of violence, fragility and uncertainty over the future, Mr. Faki observed.




As Chairperson of the AU Commission, he said, “I am deeply touched by the sight of the current events in Libya, one of the founding members of the OAU, and the principal initiator and proponent of the African Union.




“The tragedy being played out in this country is of profound concern to us all. No-one is blameless in the failure, neither is any segment of the international community, which has a great responsibility in the persistence or even escalation of the conflict.”




Despite the mixed backdrop, Mr. Faki was optimistic about some glimmers of hope, insofar as there is great determination to overcome the odds, and immense resources to break the cycle of dependency and poverty.




Positive developments and new impetus, as well as fierce determination, and spectacular results, have continued to emerge in Africa and pave the way forward.




He remarked that regional organisations are being established, while continental flagship projects such as the AfCFTA are on the right track. The Continent’s economic integration is now within reach.




“The emergence of the continent is certainly feasible. However, the ardent wish of the peoples of Africa, particularly the youth, is that leadership and governance invest greater efforts to ensure that Africa gives and avails itself of its best.




“A more Africanist vision of this leadership, focusing on common and binding strategic objectives, will be required if we are to pursue the legitimate aspirations of our youth and our Founding Fathers.”




He said the reform of the AU is intended to provide the Commission with appropriate legal and policy resources to become an effective instrument for the achievement of priority actions, the essence of which is reflected in Agenda 2063.




“Our common ambition, that of our leaders and hundreds of millions of Africans, is to advance with greater force and resolve towards this horizon,” he affirmed.





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