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UN concerned about 17 death sentences passed by military courts in eastern Libya

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Tripoli, Libya, May 23 (Infosplusgabon) - The UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) has expressed concern about the 17 recent death sentences handed down by military courts in eastern Libya.


In a statement issued on Friday, UNSMIL said that it has been informed that a  death penalty has been handed down against at least 13 people by the Benghazi Supreme Court and four others by the Beidha Court,  assuring that "this represents a possible violation of Libya's obligations under international humanitarian law".


The Mission added that it was "particularly concerned by reports that the accused would not be allowed to present their cases before the courts or to examine the evidence of the charges against them".


The judgments were rendered in secret after the trials without providing written decisions for the accused or the lawyers, it noted.


In addition, the UN Mission said it was "following developments on the ground and military mobilization around the town of Tarhouna (130 km south of Tripoli) with great concern.


UNSMIL reminded "all parties of their duties in accordance with international human rights law and international humanitarian law",  warning of "the possibility of reprisals against civilians",  according to the statement.




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