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Libyan dailies centre on military developments in war for Tripoli, possible scenario

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Tripoli, Libya, May 23 (Infosplusgabon) - Libyan newspapers this week focused on the military changes taking place on the ground in recent days, with a clear advantage of the forces of the Government of National Accord (GNA) against Haftar's troops who have accumulated setbacks, ''questioning in particular the impact of the takeover by the army loyal to the government of the strategic airbase of Al-Wattiya on the course of the war in Tripoli''.


The Libyan press also reported a UNICEF and WHO report on the risks to a quarter of a million Libyan children threatened by disease due to the lack of vaccines resulting from insecurity and chaos in the country.


Under the headline, 'Developments on the ground and rising military confrontations south of Tripoli on the eve of Eid', citing concordant sources on the ground, Al-Wassat reported that most axes of combat south of the capital, Tripoli, have been the scene, since the violent clashes between the forces of the GNA and those of the general command of Haftar, in which heavy and medium weapons were used, a few hours before the Eid el Fitr.


It is expected, depending on the course of the clashes, that the confrontation will intensify in the coming hours, around the airport and the regions of Gasr ben Ghachir, added the newspaper, which specified that no information was disclosed by both parties on the extent of the losses.


The newspaper added that less than 24 hours after the GNA announced that its forces had successfully taken control of the Al-Wattia airbase (140 km southwest of Tripoli), known as the the main base for general command forces in the west of the country, the military operation "Volcano of Anger" announced the entry of government forces into the towns of Badr and Tiji, and the start of mobilization in front of the locality of Tarhouna (130 km south of Tripoli) to take control.


This development occured less than 24 hours after the announcement that GNA forces had entered the city of Al-Assaba, adjacent to Ghariane city (80 km southwest of Tripoli), and the takeover of the region de Jendouba, Al-Wassat said.


The newspaper also reported on the reaction of the UN Support Mission in Libya which said it was "deeply concerned about the developments on the ground and the military mobilization around the city of Tarhouna".


The Mission, Al-Wassat said, reminded "all parties of their duties, in accordance with international human rights law and international humanitarian law, warning against the possibility of reprisals against civilians".


Citing the UN mission which warned against "the use of arbitrary reprisals outside the scope of the law or the commission of theft, fire or intentional damage to public and private property", the newspaper added that it called for an end to the military escalation and a preference for peaceful options.


The newspaper said that the spokesman for the general command forces, Ahmed Al-Mesmari, announced that four warplanes were ready after their maintenance by the technical teams and put them back into service after a long stop.


Afrigatenews focused on the humanitarian situation through the report in which UNICEF and WHO sounded the alarm about "the serious shortage" of vaccines in Libya which endangers more than 250,000 children.


"The situation is further aggravated by the continuation of the armed conflict, the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic, the disruption of health services, power outages, lack of drinking water and the closure of schools and spaces suitable for children," added the report from the two UN agencies cited by the newspaper.


UNICEF and WHO document highlights, according to Afrigatenews, that "in the past two months, routine immunization services have been inaccessible due to containment resulting from measures to prevent the coronavirus pandemic which has increased the risk of recurrence of measles and polio epidemics."


They stressed that "children in hard-to-reach areas affected by the conflict are particularly at risk, as they may have already missed certain doses of vaccination."


Afrigatenews said UN agencies have deplored that basic orders for delivery of vaccines have also been delayed due to lengthy government approval procedures, adding that the Libya Expanded Immunization Program (EPI) has been halted in due to the depletion of vaccine stocks in 2019.



Returning to military developments, the Al-Wassat claimed that new scenarios of the Libyan crisis have been woven into recent warfare developments in the capital, particularly with the GNA's announcement that its forces have taken control of Al-Wattia airbase.


It said that this development could open the way for government forces to make strategic advances, while forces of the general command were likely to receive new reinforcements, without obscuring the confrontation between the Russians and the Turks looming behind the recent escalation in Libya.


For the newspaper, the least costly scenario is the announcement of a cease-fire agreement, by which a new phase begins on the path of the political process, in particular after the declaration of the general command in which it announced tactical withdrawals, and its intention to reposition its forces in a number of axes south of the capital.


This situation is also associated with signs of international movements and estimates which preceded this important military development, the most important of which are the statements of the American ambassador in Libya, Richard Norland, concerning Marshal Khalifa Haftar, the newspaper pointed out.


Observers of Libyan affairs are, according to Al-Wassat, questioning the development of the coming days, to know if the government forces, driven by the morale of the takeover of Al-Wattia will continue to grow, adding that this time, eyes will be on "Tarhouna."


What will the other party's response be? To what extent will "international mood" support this escalation of the war in Libya? Will we see in the coming days the hidden confrontation between Russia and Turkey as in Syria? Will it have repercussions in Libya?











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