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Coronavirus: Tunisia records one new case

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Tunis, Tunisia, May  22 (Infosplusgabon) - Tunisia's Ministry of Health announced on Thursday evening that it recorded a new COVID-19 contamination out of 1,585 tests.



According to a statement, the positive cases stand at 1,046, made up of 883 recoveries, 47 deaths and 116 patients, three of whom remain under surveillance in hospitals.


Last week, Tunisia did not record any positive case for six successive days, but in recent days new cases have been reported, notably in Gafsa and Mahdia, on people repatriated from abroad.


"While we can be proud of having managed to control the spread of the pandemic, this development means that the virus continues to circulate in some regions of the country," Nissaf Ben Alaya, Director-General of the National Observatory for New and Emerging Diseases said.


Therefore, it is imperative to continue to comply with the health measures, including social distancing, wearing of masks and hygiene rules.


In view of Tunisia's positive results in the fight against coronavirus, the authorities announced on Thursday several measures to relax the general confinement in its second phase.


The measures, which will come into force on 4 June, include the reopening of mosques as well as restaurants, cafes and bars.


Traffic between governorates, considered the main factor of contamination, remains prohibited until 14 June.


However, The Minister of State, Lobna Jribi, warned that in the event of a negative development in the health situation, "we will return to general confinement".






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