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COVID-19: Chinese expert mission expected in Congo

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Brazzaville, Congo, May 20 (Infosplusgabon)  -  A Chinese medical expert on the coronavirus (COVID-19) is expected in Congo in the days to come, the Chinese ambassador in Congo, Ma Fulin, said here Tuesday.




The Chinese diplomat, at a press briefing here, said the experts would not come to treat Congolese patients.


He explained the same Chinese medical team now visiting the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), would at the end of their mission cross over to Brazzaville.


The Chinese experts will not therefore be in the hospitals or at the treatment centers of COVID-19 patients, as they did not have license to work in Congo.


The experts, according to Fulin, will come to share the protocols used in China within the framework of the follow up of COVID-19 cases.


He said discussions to be held at technical and administrative meetings would provide further knowledge to Congolese doctors who were still learning about the very virulent viral disease.


In Poînte-Noire, the same mission will hold talks with doctors of the main economic and industrial center of the South of the country.


Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire are the epicentres of the disease in the country, where several persons have been infected.


Health authorities are now concentrating their efforts on sensitization, screening and follow-ups in the two main cities.


The two big cities have however been isolated from the rest of the country, according to the progressive unlocking plan published on Saturday in Brazzaville by Congolese Prime Minister Clément Mouamba.


Judging by the situation of the coronavirus pandemic in Congo, the Chinese diplomat estimated that the “Brazzaville authorities have been very successful in the management of the pandemic”.


“The Congolese government has taken several important measures and on time, which put the country in the good direction,” said Fulin, calling however for bigger prudence in this period of progressive unlock “since nothing is still known about the virus”.





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