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Coronavirus: Kenya appeals for calm amid strained relations with Tanzania

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, May 20 (Infosplusgabon) – Kenya’s High Commissioner to Tanzania, Dan Kazungu, has called on citizens of the two neighbouring countries to remain calm as leaders continue to address a row that has arisen over border restrictions.



Conveying President Uhuru Kenyatta’s message in a news conference in Dar es Salaam on Tuesday, Kazungu said there was the dire need for improved relations between Kenya and Tanzania.


“Tanzania is more than a neighbour to Kenya and we wish them no harm. We must all unite against a common enemy – the coronavirus,” said Kazungu.


The High Commissioner’s appeal comes at a time when relations between the two neighbouring countries seem to be strained after Kenya shut its border with Tanzania for 30 days, putting restrictions on truck drivers from Tanzania.


He said foreign ministers of the two countries were set to iron out emerging critical issues as soon as possible to normalize relations.


“Kenya and Tanzania remain good friends amid this global pandemic and a concerted effort against the spread of Covid-19 will benefit both countries,” he said.


The past few weeks saw several truck drivers from Tanzania being turned back at main border posts while in transit to Kenya after testing positive for Covid-19.


On Sunday, President Kenyatta ordered the closure of borders with Tanzania and Somalia, a move he said was necessitated by the increase in the number of imported Covid-19 cases.


A day later, Tanzania’s Tanga Regional Commissioner, Martine Shigela, announced a ban on truck drivers from Kenya “to curb the spread of coronavirus” from the neighbouring country.





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