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Gambians rage after EU Facebook post supports homosexuality rights

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Banjul, Gambia, May 20 (Infosplusgabon) - Thousands of Gambians have taken to social media to express disappointment on European Union’s Facebook post campaigning for homosexuality right, as they vowed to fight in support of the practice in the country.




The post read “EU is ready to start campaigning for the rights of gays and lesbians in the country.”


“As entrenched in the 1997 constitution, all Gambians have right to education, employment, health services and political participation. No Gambian should be excluded from fully participating in Gambian society. One may not agree with someone’s personal choice and preferences choice, but gay and lesbian Gambians are first and foremost.”


“The European Union stands ready to take action to protect Human Rights defenders. In 2019, in the Gambia, the EU had to use it Human Rights safeguarding mechanisms to save someone whose life was threatened because of its sexual orientation. Such threats have no place in democratic society,” the post added.


In reaction to the post here on Tuesday, Ousman Ceesay said: “We have our values, religion and cultures, so you cannot devalue us just because of those funds that pass in the hands of few people. We will never accept the practice of gay and lesbianism in our country. Gambia is a religious country.”


“Is right time President Barrow and his government take action on the comment made by the EU because we will not accept or sell our cultures and values for money. This will never take place in our country,” Njie Faal wrote.


Sulayman Bojang also said that “What point of audacity do EU has in us to forcible imply that of gay marriage, homosexuality and lesbianism in our sovereignty state. We are not going to allow your financial assistance to ruin our norms and values as a society.”


“We will be totally doomed if we continue to listen and take money from the European Union. They never had our interest so why will we pay attention to them. Any financial assistance EU give to developing nations is always detrimental to our lives,” Muhammed Sanyang said.


But the EU ambassador to the Gambia, Attila Lajos, said the multimillion-euro budgetary support given to The Gambia government was based on democratic principles.




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