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Coronavirus: Congo registers 21 new confirmed cases and 23 cured this Saturday

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Brazzaville, Congo, May 16 (Infosplusgabon) - The Congolese Prime Minister, Clément Mouamba, announced on Saturday in Brazzaville that the country recorded 23 new cured and 21 new positive cases for the coronavirus.


"The epidemiological assessment of our country on May 15, 2020, is 412 against 391 confirmed cases, 110 cured against 90 and 15 deaths," said Clément Mouamba, in a communication.


He said that Brazzaville, the capital, and Pointe-Noire, the country's main economic and industrial center in the South, are the epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic with 97% of cases.


Men constitute more than 74% of the cases. Despite the increase in positive cases, the rate of infection is around 3.5%, among the lowest in Africa, said the Congolese Prime Minister, who added that the age group most frequently reached is that of people aged 30 to 49, or 66% of the total.


According to Mouamba, these epidemiological data show that part of the country is in the active circulation stage of the virus while the other part remains in the non-active circulation stage.


"Controlling the transmission of the virus involves increased biological management. The success of our deconfinement strategy rests on our ability to carry out large-scale screening tests. We have to raise our screening capacity from 400 tests to 1,800 tests per day between May and September 2020 and to more than 4,000 tests per day from October 2020".





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