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Journalists' Union slams MP for hate speech against freedom of speech in Tunisia

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Tunis, Tunisia, May 16  (Infosplusgabon) - The National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT) on Friday condemned what it called "insults uttered by the leader of the parliamentary bloc Al Karama, Seif Eddine Makhlouf, against journalist and columnist, Haythem El Mekki," saying that "this is a blatant violation of ethics and human dignity."


The union expressed its full solidarity with Haythem El Mekki, warning of "the danger of this violent political speech based on hatred and which threatens the physical integrity of journalists".


The SNJT noted that "MPs from the Al Karama parliamentary bloc are known for their attacks and threats against freedom of information and speech, based on false accusations, with the aim of tarnishing the image of all journalists in society".


On the other hand, the SNJT cautioned against this kind of speech that sparked assassinations and bloodshed observed during the period of 2012 and 2013.


The union called on "members to face this dangerous scourge and not to invite any public figure advocating violence and hatred".


Al Karama Seif MP, Eddine Makhlouf, had insulted El Mekki during his appearance on Mosaic FM's Midi Show, calling him a "dog" and "corrupt".





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