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Heavy rains claim 237 lives in Kenya

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Nairobi, Kenya, May 13  (Infosplusgabon) - The death from the heavy rains pounding Kenya has risen to 237, government authorities said on Wednesday.


Devolution Cabinet Secretary, Eugene Wamlalwa, warned the situation could get worse as the fatality rate has risen from 194 people announced last week.


The continued rains and subsequent flooding have also affected over 161,000 households with most of them forced to relocate to higher grounds.


Some 807,000 people have been rendered homeless by the floods.


Wamalwa warned that with the rainy season expected to go well into June, the situation could get worse.


In western Kenya alone, 104,000 people have been displaced by the floods.


Government officials have visited areas mostly hit by the rain havoc to assess the situation, with Garissa and Mandera counties in the northern region being the most affected.


The government is tapping a special fund to cushion the most vulnerable affected by the floods.


Environment Cabinet Secretary, Keraiko Tobiko, blamed the problem on environmental degradation, cutting of trees and people settling along rivers banks.






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