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Covid-19: Combating coronavirus at centre of Burkina Faso’s 60th anniversary

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Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, May 12  (Infosplusgabon) - Burkina Faso will celebrate on 11 December 2020 the 60th anniversary of independence under the theme 'National cohesion and patriotic commitment for the sustainable development of Burkina Faso in a context of insecurity and COVID- 19', Infosplusgabon learned from an official source.




The anniversary celebrations will take place in Banfora, capital of the Cascades region, west of the country on the border with Côte d'Ivoire.


For the national organizing committee, this year's theme, more than topical, is multidimensional in that it calls for a sacred union and cohesion of all daughters and all sons of the country.


"In addition, the theme of December 11, 2020 invites a national patriotic surge in light of the many challenges to be faced, including the fight against terrorism and the fight against the coronavirus pandemic," the committee said.




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