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Malian, Burkinabe FMs hold talks on the situation of Malian refugees in Burkina Faso

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Bamako, Mali, May 9 (Infosplusgabon) - Mali's Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Tiébilé Dramé, on Tuesday discussed with his Burkinabe counterpart, Alpha Barry, on the situation of the 6,514 Malian refugees living in the Mentao camp (Djibo), in northern Burkina Faso, Infosplusgabon learned on Wednesday from the Malian ministry.


Recalling the centuries-old fraternity and friendship between the two countries, the two ministers spoke of the measures taken by the Burkinabé government to reassure the Malian refugees and restore calm and security in the Mentao camp.


The Malian Minister thanked his counterpart for the hospitality that Burkina Faso has extended to Malian refugees since the start of the security crisis in Mali in 2012.


Thirty-two injured Malian refugees are receiving appropriate care at Djibo hospital (Burkina Faso), the ministry said. They were injured as a result of violence allegedly committed by the Burkinabé security forces against them in Mentao.






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