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Fayez al-Sarraj hails political initiatives calling for peaceful solutions in Libya

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Tripoli, Libya, May 5  (Infosplusgabon) -  The President of the Presidential Council of the Libyan Government of National Accord, Fayez al-Sarraj, has hailed all political initiatives aimed at finding a peaceful solution to the crisis in the country, and called for a rapid resumption of political dialogue under the auspices of the United Nations, with a view to avoiding the bloodshed of Libyans and ending divisions in the country.




In a statement posted on the Presidential Council's website on Tuesday, Al-Sarraj hailed "all political initiatives that call for peaceful solutions to the current crisis, far from the fighting and imposition of the fact accomplished by the force of arms and the bloodshed".


Marshal Khalifa Haftar announced that he had been mandated by Libyans to lead the country and proclaimed the abandonment of the Libyan political agreement signed in Skhirat, Morocco, in 2015, under the supervision of the United Nations.


His announcement was widely rejected both inside and outside the country.


In this regard, the President of the Presidential Council called on "all parties and political forces to assume their responsibilities to end the division and the need to accelerate the resumption of political dialogue under the auspices of the United Nations, in order to prepare the next step and agree on a comprehensive roadmap and political path, which brings all Libyans together, whether by amending the political agreement and forming a Presidential Council consisting of a president, two vice presidents and a separate head of government, or by consensus on a constitutional path and general elections as soon as possible."


The President of the Tobruk-based Libyan Parliament, Aguila Saleh, proposed an initiative based on the restructuring of the Presidential Council with a president and two vice presidents chosen from Libya's three historic regions (Berga +Cyrenaica, Tripolitaine and Fezzan).


In addition, Mr. al-Sarraj said he "highly appreciates the sacrifices and victories of our heroic army", stressing "the need to unite the ranks to defeat the aggressor and dispel his dream of taking power by force of arms, and to intensify efforts to contribute with the sons of the homeland to the construction of a desired democratic civil state".


The political process in Libya has been in a deadlock since the resignation on 2 March of UN Envoy to Libya, Ghassan Salamé.


The difficulties faced by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in appointing a new envoy to Libya, due to opposition from some world powers, have exacerbated the deadlock, leading to an escalation of violence in the country.


"This call comes at a time when state institutions are increasingly divided, and some people in these institutions are taking individual decisions that are crucial to the country and beyond their role and competence, which has increased the economic and financial suffering of citizens, recently compounded by the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic and the continued aggression against the Libyan capital and other cities."


Fayez al-Sarraj accuses the Governor of the Central Bank of Libya, Seddik al-Kebir, of acting unilaterally overstepping his prerogatives to interfere in all state decisions, to the point of having an impact on the economy and living conditions of Libyan citizens.




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