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AU high-level meeting notes Somalia’s commitment to build political consensus

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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 3 (Infosplusgabon) – A High-Level Meeting on Somalia, organized by the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union, has encouraged the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and its Federal Member States (FMS) to continue engaging in regular political dialogue at all levels and strengthen technical level engagement on security cooperation and development.




A communiqué issued on Sunday by the PSC said the meeting also noted that Somalia has committed to building political consensus in order to tackle the threat of Al-Shabaab insurgents as well as other national priorities.



However, the meeting expressed deep concern over the multiple threats faced by Somalia. In addition to the challenges posed by the novel coronavirus, the country is also dealing with floods caused by heavy rains, the locust invasion as well as the attendant humanitarian crisis, which have displaced many.


“During these uncertain times, the meeting called for the promotion of a people and partnership centric approach in support of the Somali people.


“In the same vein, the meeting also called upon all Somalis in position of political, economic and social responsibility to unite and put the safety of Somali citizens as their primary concern,” said the communiqué.




The meeting participants have called on international partners to continue to mobilize resources to supplement the Federal Government’s financing of the multi-party universal elections in 2020/21.




It expressed deep concern over the continuous and indiscriminate attacks by the primary threat to security, Al-Shabaab, against civilian population and facilities, as well as targeted assassinations of Government personnel, prominent politicians, AMISOM personnel, foreigners as well as humanitarian staff.




According to the communiqué, the meeting participants have acknowledged that Al-Shabaab still poses an existential threat to the peace, security and stability of Somalia and the region as a whole.




The meeting noted that strengthening Somali capacity to defeat the asymmetric threat posed by the organisation, in particular, its use of improvised explosive devices, and to restore State authority over Al-Shabaab-controlled territory is a priority for Somalia and international partners.




“However, a new parallel approach is required to degrade the terrorist group’s appeal as well as its capacity and capability to adapt,” the communiqué said, pointing out that Somalia and its partners must find new ways to respond to this evolution.




“Renewed efforts to tackle the evolving threats posed by the terrorist group including extortion, financing, logistics, recruitment, alternative governance, communications and commercial enterprises requires a comprehensive security approach including a robust political, socio-economic, stabilisation and reconciliation strategy geared towards supplementing the hard-earned security efforts.”




The meeting commended the vital work of AMISOM and its Troop Contributing Countries’ vital work in enabling security and stability to allow Somalia to establish political institutions and extend state authority.




It recognized that AMISOM’s effort comes at great sacrifice, and commended the bravery and commitment of its personnel, as well as Somali forces, in fighting Al Shabaab.




It welcomed the progress in Lower Shabelle and noted the importance of sufficient security and stabilization efforts in the liberated areas to preserve and build on these gains. It called for renewed offensive efforts in coordination with the Somali National Army and FMS security services in all AMISOM sectors.




Underlining the need for renewed progress on the Somalia Transition Plan (STP), the meeting further acknowledged that for Somalia and AMISOM to succeed in the implementation of the STP and in the fight against Al-Shabaab, there is a need for a common, coordinated and comprehensive approach among the Somalia stakeholders on the one hand and with AMISOM troop contributors on the other hand, which would enable the FGS to pursue the security sector reforms necessary, including force generation to develop the capability needed to relieve AMISOM.




The meeting recognized the need to identify the threats to Somalia’s stability and security in the current context, and to take a fresh look at what steps need to be taken by Somalia and international partners to enable Somalia to assume primary responsibility for security and enable the completion of AMISOM’s mandate.




The meeting commended IGAD, the UN, EU, UK, USA, Turkey and other bilateral partners for their continued financial and material support to both the FGS and AMISOM.


Co-chaired by the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and the African Union (AU), the high-level virtual meeting on Somalia took place on 29 April 2020. It was attended by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the European Union, , United Nations, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States.



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