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Tanzania set to import Covid-19 herbal ‘cure’ from Madagascar

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, May 3 (Infosplusgabon) – Tanzania is in talks with Madagascan authorities on the possibility of importing the newly manufactured herbal cure for Covid-19 from the Indian Ocean island nation.




Addressing the nation on Sunday, Tanzanian President, Dr John Pombe Magufuli, said: “We have been in talks with Madagascar. They have written to us that they have discovered the medicine for Covid-19. We’ll send a plane to bring the cure to Tanzania so that Tanzanians can benefit from it.”


President Magufuli said he would send a plane to Madagascar to import the cure named Covid Organics, launched recently by President  Andry  Rojealina.


Several other African countries, including Senegal, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Guinea Bissau and Comoro are also lined up to acquire the herbal cure from Madagascar.


The World Health Organization (WHO) has already stated that there is no proof of any cure for Covid-19.


The Tanzanian president said his government was working hard to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, brushing aside accusations by opposition politicians that he was not taking the disease seriously.


He also directed the Ministry of Health to attest to the accuracy of diagnostic test kits at the country’s national laboratory in testing Covid-19 samples.


Tanzania has so far registered 480 Covid-19 cases, 16 deaths and 167 recoveries.





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