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Members of Nigerien government contribute more than 58 million CFAF in fight against coronavirus

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Niamey, Niger, May 2 (Infosplusgabon) - Members of the Nigerien government have donated 58,705,000 CFA francs to the national coronavirus (Covid-19)  committee to fight the pandemic, an official source  said on Saturday.


The contribution from the executive consists of three months 'salary for the president of the republic, two months' salary for the prime minister and one month of salary of each member of government, ministers of state, ministers and deputy ministers.


Receiving this donation, Dr Aboubakar Mélé Djalo of the interministerial committee to fight against the coronavirus first recalled that “our country, through the executive, has very quickly implemented measures which have made it possible to set up a system response compared to disease surveillance".


This system has made it possible today "to curb all the cases that we may have had, but also to be able to foresee and make planning projections for the future," said Dr Mélé Djalo.





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