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COVID-19: Congo interested in Malagasy discovery

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Brazzaville, Congo, May 2 (Infosplusgabon) - A delegation of Congolese health experts will travel to Madagascar to procure large quantities of Covid-Organics, an artemisia-based drug, that has proved effective against the Coronavirus (COVID-19), state radio said here Saturday.


The Congolese head of state, Denis Sassou-Nguesso, on Friday, May 1 met with his Malagasy counterpart, Andry Rajoelina, by videoconference on the issue.


“We must not have a complex on this issue. Africa must move forward with its realities and its values ​​... That is why, while waiting to study the modalities of acquiring this treatment, I would like, once again, to congratulate President Andry Rajoelina for the courage he has shown by announcing this treatment discovered in Africa,” said Sassou-Nguesso, during the session which was also attended by the President of Guinea Bissau.


The order from the Congolese authorities is part of the government's will to seek all possible means of treatment against COVID-19.


During this videoconference Sassou-Nguesso took, for example, he was able to create a therapeutic convergence to overcome the Coronavirus.


"I know that in China, traditional treatments have been combined with others, including that based on chloroquine," said the Congolese head of state.


As a reminder, on April 20, the Madagascan president presented the artemisia, Covid-Organics, as a preventive and curative treatment against COVID-19.





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