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Mauritius to introduce Covid-19 bill to provide legal impetus to post-lockdown measures

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Port-Louis, Mauritius, May 2 (Infosplusgabon) - Mauritian Attorney General and Agro-Industry and Food Security Minister Maneesh Gobin said here Friday a Covid-19 bill to be introduced soon into the national assembly would make provision for the necessary legal impetus to enforce post-lockdown measures.

Speaking Friday night in a televised debate, he said the bill would also protect the island from a second wave of the Covid-19 infections.


The Covid-19 bill, as mentioned by the Government Information Serves (GIS), will, among others, make it mandatory to wear a mask in public places and people not respecting social distancing will be subject to fines and penalties.


With regard to the return to work in phases, he said that only persons in possession of a work access permit (WAP) would be allowed to move.


“The WAP system is being digitalised to ensure that all persons including public officers, carers, baby-sitters, planters, fishermen and the self-employed resuming work as from 15 May are in possession of the proper authorisation. ,


“As for the education sector, resumption of classes for the pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary will be implemented phase-wise as from 01 August 2020,” the minister underlined.


Speaking about senior citizens aged 60 or more, who are the most vulnerable to Covid-19, he said “provision is being made to allow them to go out only in exceptional cases, in particular to stock up on supplies or if they hold travel permits”.


“The distribution of the monthly pension to this category of Mauritians will be made at home and medical visits by social security doctors will be continued,” he emphasised.


Special desks in banks will also be set up for the elderly and they will be able to access public transport only on an alphabetical basis and outside peak hours.


The Mauritian minister of health and wellness, Dr Kailesh Jagutpal, stated that all health care services and regular treatment of patients would gradually return to normalcy as from 15 May 2020.


Regarding sanitary measures, the minster said that all Mauritians should continue to practice good hygiene habits such as washing their hands regularly with soap or hydro-alcoholic gel; wearing masks in public places and respecting the rules of social distancing.


Mass testing for Covid-19 and sensitisation campaigns will be further encouraged to contain all risks of infection, he added.


Other important measures announced are as follows: Gyms, restaurants, shops and markets, casinos and clubs as well as commercial centres will remain closed. More, access to public beach and holding of socio-cultural activities on large scale are strictly prohibited.


Banks, bakeries and butcheries will operate in alphabetical order whereas restaurants and fast-food outlets will do so through take away, delivery services and drive-thru.


All public buses and vehicles should be disinfected and a marking system will be applied to respect social distancing. Same applies for the Metro which will operate with a limited number of passengers.


A taxi car will be allowed to carry only three passengers at a time while motorcyclists will not be allowed to carry other passengers except close family members.





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