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Coronavirus: Guterres says rights and dignity of older people must be respected during pandemic, beyond

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New York, US, May 2 (Infosplusgabon)   -  The COVID-19 fatality rate for people over 80-years-old is five times the global average, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said here Friday.


He was launching a new policy initiative to address this and many other challenges faced by the elderly during and after the biggest public health crisis to hit,the world in a century.


“Our response to COVID-19 must respect the rights and dignity of older people,” Guterres said.


Against the backdrop of age discrimination, autonomy for older people, disparities in social protection and healthcare, as well as a lack of decision-making power, he maintained that for older persons, the crisis is “exacerbating existing human rights protection gaps and socio-economic challenges”.


“We need to stand up now for older person’s rights,” the UN Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons Rosa Kornfeld-Matte said.


“Pervasive gerontophobia, the fear of age-related self-degeneration and death, nurtures prejudice against older people, discrimination and ultimately the denial of human rights in older age.”


“As an older person myself, with responsibility for an even older mother, I am deeply concerned about the pandemic on a personal level, and about its effects on, our communities and societies,” the UN chief shared.


A UN statement said at the same time that older people contribute “immeasurably” to their families and communities – commonly sacrificing their own well-being to care for others, including helping with children and grandchildren.


“Our COVID-19 response must be cognizant of all of these matters and must respect the rights and dignity of older people.


“No person, young or old, is expendable,” underscored Guterres.


The impact on health and long-term care services for older persons must recognise and confront the particular challenges they face, including their ability to access medical treatment and care.


“Older people have the same rights to life and health as everyone else,” spelled out the UN chief.


“Difficult decisions around life-saving medical care must respect the human rights and dignity of all.


While physical distancing is crucial, he flagged the need to remember that “we are one community and we all belong to each other”.


Digital technology must be improved to mitigate movement restrictions that can disrupt essential care, support and social inclusion for older persons.


“That is vital to older people who may face great suffering and isolation under lockdowns and other restrictions,” maintained Guterres.


Beyond the pandemic’s immediate health impact, it is putting older people at “greater risk of poverty, discrimination and isolation” most likely causing “a particularly devastating impact” on those in developing countries where public health care and social protection services will likely be overwhelmed by the virus.


Moreover, all social, economic and humanitarian responses must take into consideration the needs of older people, particularly in terms of universal health coverage, pensions, jobs and social protection.


“The majority of older people are women, who are more likely to enter this period of their lives in poverty and without access to healthcare,” explained the Secretary-General, adding: “Policies must be targeted at meeting their needs.”






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