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Mauritania making progress to improved labour environment

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Nouakchott, Mauritania, May 1 (Infosplusgabon) - Mauritania  celebrated International Labour Day on Friday without any demonstration on the ground.


Civil Service, Labour and Administration minister Camara Saloum Mohamed, took this opportunity to recall the progress made for the benefit of workers "despite the particularly difficult condition marked by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19)".


These advances concern the establishment of a legal arsenal to comply with international instruments in which Mauritania is a stakeholder, striving to improve the living conditions of workers.


This is the Project to Combat Forced Labour, commonly known as "BRIDGE", thanks to the support of the International Labour Office (ILO) and the US Department of Labor, which aims to implement Convention 29 of the International Labour Organization (ILO) on forced labour and its 2014 protocol.


The government has initiated important actions for the benefit of the target populations, both in the workplace and in the communities, in terms of awareness-raising and training for capacity building.


There is also the continued implementation of a national plan for the elimination of child labour (PANE RIM), an ambitious project aimed at protecting future generations from the dangers arising from this abominable phenomenon and is designed to implement International Labour Conventions Nos. 138 and 182".


There is also an improvement of the legislation on control and the strengthening of the prerogatives of labour inspectors and controllers, the continuation of social dialogue.




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