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EU supports ongoing peace process in South Sudan

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Brussels, Belgium, May 1 (Infosplusgabon) - The European Union on Thursday underlined its determination to stand by the people of South Sudan in their quest for peace and prosperity, and in facing the consequences of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which risks having far-reaching humanitarian and economic consequences on the newfound stability of the country.


According to conclusions reached by the European Council on South Sudan, the EU welcomes the formation of the Revitalised Transitional Government of National Unity (R-TGoNU) in South Sudan as a key step towards a long lasting peace and inclusive and sustainable development in the country, and that full respect of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement of December 2017 is imperative.




In this context, the EU has underlined the importance of the fulfilment of the security arrangements with the demobilisation of former combatants to ensure the safety and security of all citizens and called on the UN Security Council to renew the arms embargo.




The Council conclusions stressed that the holding of free and credible general elections at the end of the transitional period will be another step towards stability, and that journalists, civil society and human rights defenders must be enabled to operate freely.




At the same time the Council deplored widespread violations of human rights and the culture of impunity. “The EU stands ready to adopt further restrictive measures if such violations continue or the peace process is undermined,” the Council warned.




The Council emphasized that the new unity Government will have to show a strong and sincere spirit of collaboration to bring security and stabilization, promote much needed reconciliation and justice, and deliver essential basic services to the people of South Sudan.




“In this regard, the swift appointment of state governors and local governments will be important,” it stated.




The EU has commended the engagement of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and its Member States as well as the African Union (AU), which was critical in the political process leading to the formation of the R-TGoNU and will remain instrumental to support the full implementation of the peace agreement.




Full respect of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement of December 2017 is imperative. In this context, the EU is supportive of the process facilitated by the Community of Sant'Egidio to create a conducive environment for dialogue and achieve inclusivity by bringing non-signatory parties on board the peace process.




The fulfilment of the security arrangements, including the unification or demobilization of all ex-combatants, must have as a primary aim to ensure safety and security to all citizens, irrespective of their political or ethnic affiliation.




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