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Coronavirus: Zimbabwe's lockdown partially lifted

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Harare, Zimbabwe, May 1 (Infosplusgabon)  - Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa has partially lifted the COVID-19 (coronavirus) national lockdown whilst also extending it by 14 days and announced a ZWL(Zimbabwe dollar)$18 billion (US$720 million) economic stimulus package.


Zimbabwe has been under a national lockdown for the past 34 days which was expected to end on May 3. With the second 14 day extension, the lockdown is expected to be fully lifted by 18 May.


“Noticing that there is now a gradual increase of infections the lockdown will continued for the next 14 days, however, relaxed to Level 2."


This entails all people must wear masks of any type, including home-made ones, outside their homes, said Mnangagwa, in a state of the nation address on Friday.


It also entails the re-opening of industry and commerce, provided that companies must ensure mandatory Rapid Diagnostic Testing of all employees, social distancing in the workplace, sanitization, and that all employees wear masks. Operating hours shall be from 8a.m to 3p.m.


President Mnangagwa said only buses, not the common kombis or taxis, shall provide public transport services during the extended lockdown provided they are disinfected twice daily and install COVID-19 screening systems.


He siaid the maintenance of mandatory and quarantine protocols in line with Regional and International Standards will continue.


"Returning residents and international travellers to the country will be put on a 21-day mandatory quarantine with full testing on day 1, day 2 and day 21.”


Churches, gyms, bottle stores, bars, beer halls and other leisure and recreational facilities will remain closed whilst gatherings of less than 50 is still maintained.


The partial lifting of the lockdown is designated to restart certain sectors of the economy and as such will be accompanied by a ZWL18 billion economic stimulus package.


This amounts to 9 percent of the gross domestic product and 28.6 percent of the 2020 National Budget.


“The package will also be used to address the needs of the small-scale industries, improve health facilities, reduce poverty and hardships and assist vulnerable groups in our society.”


From the amount, ZWL2.4 billion (US$96 million) will go to a food grant programme, ZWL500 million (US$20 million) tourism and hospitality, ZWL1 billion (US$40 million) to mining, ZWL3 billion (US$120 million) to manufacturing, and ZWL1 billion to agricultural production.


“We are optimistic that this ZWL18 billion Economic Rescue and Stimulus Package will re-launch the Zimbabwean economy on a strong trajectory, characterised by higher productivity and supportive of job retention and creation,” Mnangagwa said.


Further, another ZWL1 billion will go to the health sector to combat COVID-19. These funds will be used for improving hospitals as well as increasing testing kits, personal protective equipment and drugs to combat the coronavirus.


“An income tax break is hereby, instituted with immediate effect for healthcare workers and health care institutions for at least six months,” Mnangagwa said.


In terms of education, all schools from primary to tertiary level will remain closed.


Mnangagwa called on the Ministries of Primary and Secondary Education and that of Higher and Tertiary Education to be innovative during this period to ensure students can still learn which includes using online platforms.




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