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Coronavirus: Zambia’s bilateral, multilateral partners provide K2.7 billion to fight COVID – 19

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Lusaka, Zambia, April 30 (Infosplusgabon) - The United States, United Kingdom, the African Development Bank, and the World Bank will provide financial support to the Zambian Government in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.


In a statement released on Thursday, Zambia’s Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu said the heart-warming support of K2.7 billion (1US = K20) from Cooperating Partners is a sign of their unfettered commitment to bettering the well-being of Zambians, through strong collaboration with the Government, without leaving anyone behind.


Ng’andu also said that Zambia is pleased that the AfDB has assured the country that its doors will remain open for further assistance as the situation evolves. He acknowledged that the support from AfDB is a confirmation of its commitment to deepening development cooperation with Zambia now and in the future.


The Finance minister acknowledged the assurance of the United States Embassy Charge D’Affaires that the fight against Covid-19 is a critical priority that will also continue to cover the fight against HIV, malaria, tuberculosis and improving the health and nutrition of women and children in Zambia.


Ng’andu stated that the support of the United States – despite being the most affected country worldwide, and in need of huge Covid-19 patient recovery resources itself -demonstrates the steadfast nature of the two friendly countries' long-standing relationship in many fields of human endeavour and well-being.


The World Bank has made available US$57.60 million (Approx. K1.05 billion) under its Rapid Response Facility. In addition, the Zambian Government has applied for a further US$20 million (Approx. K372 million) under the Bank's Covid-19 Fast Track Facility.


The AfDB has committed US$37.5 million (Approx. K697.5 million) to Covid-19 as part of the Bank Groups’ Covid-19 Rapid Response Facility. The funds will cater for the purchase of medical equipment, screening of patients, rehabilitation of quarantine facilities, and community sensitization. Further, the AfDB will provide support to high-density areas through the provision of hand sanitizers, soap, water bowsers, hand washing facilities, and supply of clean and safe water to fight Covid-19.


The AfDB will augment these resources with the 15th Africa Development Fund [ADF-15] Programme resources and the unutilised component of the 15th Africa Development Fund [ADF-15] Programme.


The AfDB will also provide food security packs for approximately 200,000 households in the event of the situation escalating.


The United Kingdom has pledged support towards up-scaling social cash transfer

under its K705million social cash transfer grant assistance. The UK has to this effect pledged to frontload its support in view of the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure that the vulnerable are cushioned.


The US has approved a grant of US$14.5 million (Approx. K270 million) towards the fight against COVID-19 in Zambia. The funding is an addition to the technical support that the US Centre for Disease Control is providing to the Ministry of Health and the Zambia National Public Health Institute.


Zambia’s COVID – 19 cases now stand at 106 as of Thursday with 3 deaths and 55 discharges. Of the total, nine are new cases recorded on Thursday.





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