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Coronavirus: Congo gives emergency aid to more than 10,000 households vulnerable to virus

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Brazzaville, Congo, April 30  (Infosplusgabon) - More than 10,000 vulnerable households in Congo received emergency aid in Brazzaville on Wednesday to cope with the containment and abrupt cessation of daily activities caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the Congolese Ministry of social affairs and solidarity told  Infosplusgabon on Thursday.


Eligible households are those whose heads work in the informal sector, including transport, catering, construction, people living with disabilities, children aged from 0 to 18 years old and those responsible for retired people who did not receive their pension three years ago.


Meanwhile, the wife of the head of state, Antoinette Sassou-Nguesso, president of the Congo Assistance Foundation, on Wednesday donated food to vulnerable people in Brazzaville.


The items included rice, soap, vegetable oil, hydro-alcoholic gels, masks and other necessities.


Apart from these donations, the Congolese first lady called on the population to respect the containment and to constantly apply protocols that help curb the pandemic.


"Containment must remain a top priority for everyone," she stressed, adding that through early and aggressive measures, the country can stop transmission and save lives.


In total, Congo has 220 confirmed cases, 19 people cured and 9 deaths.







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