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People in Sahel region of Burkina Faso starved by terrorists

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Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, April 29 (Infosplusgabon)- Terrorists are starving residents of the Burkinabe Sahel, the chairman of the ruling People's Movement for Progress (MPP), Simon Compaoré, said on Wednesday.



"The people of Soum (Sahel) province are suffering abuses and are being starved by terrorists who impose a blockade mainly on the city of Djibo, but we have faith in the resilience of our defence and security forces, their tactical command and the government's determination to ensure the return of peace, security and serenity in the area," Compaoré said at a press briefing.


"The war against terrorism, we keep repeating, will be a long-term operation that will result in a winning ticket for the loyalist and patriotic forces. The MPP is certain of this", he said, praising the commitment of the volunteers for the defence of the Fatherland "who are already on the alert in the fight against terrorism in our country."


"They will sometimes pay a high price, but the nation will be grateful to them and will remember the sacrifice they have made for their country. Without sacrifice there is no freedom," he added.


The MPP chairman said that one of the serious consequences of the terrorist threat is the movement of internally displaced persons, forced to live far from their bases.


He assured that the government of Burkina Faso, with the support of development partners and legal or natural persons of goodwill, is making efforts of all kinds to alleviate their suffering, while waiting for better days to organize their return to their villages.


"The MPP urges the government and the host provinces not to slacken their efforts in the treatment of internally displaced persons," he said. "Our common credibility is at stake and solidarity, a cardinal value of our society, demands it."


Since 2015, Burkina Faso has been the target of terrorist attacks that have killed several hundred civilians and soldiers and displaced thousands of people in the midst of a humanitarian crisis.




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