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Coronavirus: Mauritanian president calls for increased vigilance during Ramadan

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Nouakchott, Mauritania, April 25 (Infosplusgabon) - Mauritanian President Mohamed Cheikh Ghazouani on Friday called on his compatriots to redouble their vigilance against COVID-19 (coronavirus) during the month of Ramadan, the month of Muslim fasting.


In a message at the start of the month, he said they should observe measures to combat the spread of the pandemic because "the threat still persists".


"I thank Allah for the recovery of the last person infected with the coronavirus in Mauritania, while reaffirming that the danger still persists because of the intensification of the spread of the scourge, even if it is to varying degrees, in many parts of the world, including our own," he said.


"Consequently, this situation requires more vigilance and precautions on our part," he said.


Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, Mauritania has recorded eight positive cases, including one death, and 7 recoveries.


The government has taken several measures to combat the spread of the disease: closure of schools and universities, suspension of international flights, partial closure of borders, ban on Friday prayers, closure of non-essential businesses and suspension of travel between regions.







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