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Regional advisor shot dead in eastern Burkina Faso

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Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, April 24 (Infosplusgabon) - Regional Councillor Barry Amadou was killed on Thursday in Gayéri, Kompienga province of eastern Burkina Faso by unidentified gunmen,  we learned on Friday from informed sources.


"The President of the Eastern Regional Council regrets to announce the death on April 23, 2020 of Barry Amadou previously a regional adviser in the East," said a press release received by PANA.


The Council president, on behalf of all  regional advisers, administrative staff and in his own name, has extended condolences to the grieved family.



According to a security source, the Regional Councilor for the East was killed on Thursday afternoon in Gayéri by armed individuals who were riding a motorbike, after he had just finished a prayer session in a mosque in the city.



The security situation in the eastern region of Burkina Faso has worsened over the past five years with terrorist attacks targeting the defence and security forces as well as civilians.





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