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Coronavirus: EU gives Є 9,000,000 support to Gambia for tackling Covid-19 pandemic

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Banjul, Gambia, April 24 (Infosplusgabon)  - The European Union  has granted Є 9,000,000 as  budget support to help The Gambia to implement its responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.


The EU said on Friday that its assistance  can contribute in catalyzing further aid  from development partners to mitigate sanitary, economic and social costs from the Covid-19 pandemic, in addition to supporting the achievement of medium-term development objectives.

"With this programme of budget support, the EU contributes to rapidly mitigate the most urgent budgetary needs of the Government in the context of the coronavirus crisis, and simultaneously supports the ongoing political reforms.

"It is an important milestone in Team Europe’s response to this crisis in The Gambia but also worldwide. No one is safe till everybody is safe,” said Ambassador Attila LAJOS, the EU Head of Delegation in The Gambia."

He added: “The Government of The Gambia has adopted a range of prevention and containment measures against the spread of the pandemic. At the same time, the country and the population are confronted with a drastic loss of revenues.

"This rapid budget support will therefore contribute to cover unanticipated spending needs arising from the COVID-19 emergency and fending off the impact of COVID-19.”


According to him, important milestones are ahead, including the Constitutional Referendum at the end of this year and the much-needed Security Sector Reform.

He said the EU is committed to help strengthen democratic and economic governance as well as the resilience capacity in The Gambia.




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