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Presidential party wins Mali's legislative elections

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Bamako, Mali, April 24 (Infosplusgabon) -  The presidential party, Rally for Mali (RPM) has won the legislative elections of 29 March (first round) and 19 April (second round) with 43 seats, according to final provisional results announced on Thursday by the Ministry of Territorial Administration.


However, the RPM lost about 20 MPs compared to the 2013 legislative polls.


Its ally, Alliance for Democracy in Mali (ADEMA-PASJ), came second with 22 deputies ahead of the main opposition party, Union for The Republic and Democracy (URD), which was credited with 19 MPs.


The Movement for Mali (MPM), a party of the presidential movement created only two years ago, came in fourth place with 11 deputies, followed by ASMA-CFP of former Prime Minister Soumeylou Boubèye Maiga with 9 seats.


A total of 21 parties won seats in the new National Assembly, which has 147 seats.


Turnout in the second round was 35.33pc compared to 35.73pc in the first round.


These results will be submitted to the Constitutional Court, which will declare the final outcome.






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