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CADHP concerned about continued hostilities in Libya

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Tripoli, Libya, April 19 (Infosplusgabon) - The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (CADHP) Saturday expressed "deep concern at the continuation of hostilities in Libya" despite repeated calls for a humanitarian truce to combat the emerging coronavirus pandemic.




Libya has so far recorded 49 cases of coronavirus infection, including 11 cures and one death.


In a statement issued here Friday, the Commission expressed its concern at the attacks that affected "27 health facilities".


It also warned of "the weakening of the country's ability to effectively combat COVID-19, which constitutes a serious violation of international law and human rights".


CADHP noted that "a group in Al-Shwerif district has cut off water supplies to two million residents of Tripoli and surrounding urban areas, a tactic used as a weapon of war", recalling that “access to water is a basic human right, necessary to combat coronavirus".


The Commission urged the government of national accord (GNA) and the Libyan national army to cease hostilities and devote all their resources to the fight against the epidemic.


It also called on all parties to respect the rights and duties guaranteed by the African Charter of Human Rights, which Libya had ratified.





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