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COVID-19: DR Congo records its 21st death

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Kinshasa, DR Congo, April 15 (Infosplusgabon) - DR Congo's  national multi-sectoral committee on response to the COVID-19 pandemic on Tuesday recorded the 21st death related to coronavirus among confirmed cases after six days without such occurrence in the country, the daily bulletin of the state organ reported on Wednesday



Thirteen new confirmed cases were reported on Tuesday in Kinshasa, the capital, while one patient was reported cured and the National Biomedical Research Institute (INRB) performed 197 tests the same day.



Since the announcement of the epidemic on 10 March 2020, the cumulative figure is 254 confirmed cases with 21 deaths, 21 people cured and 120 suspected cases under investigation.




According to the bulletin, 5 Congolese provinces are affected by the coronavirus, namely, Kinshasa (242 cases), North Kivu (5 cases), South Kivu (4 cases), Ituri (2 cases) and Kwilu (1 case).

-0- PANA KON/IS/KND/AR 15Apr2020

UNSMIL alarmed by continuing escalation, condemns acts of retribution in western Libya


Tripoli, Libya (PANA) – The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) is alarmed by the continuing escalation of violence in Libya, particularly by the intensification of fighting in the past few days, resulting in civilian casualties and risking new waves of displacement.




In a statement on Wednesday, UNSMIL noted “with grave concern reports of attacks on civilians, the Surman Prison break and release of 401 prisoners without adequate legal proceedings or vetting, desecration of corpses, retribution, including looting, robberies and torching of public and private properties, in western coastal towns recently seized by the Government of National Accord (GNA) forces.”




According to the statement, UNSMIL is following up these allegations, which if verified, would constitute grave violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.




The Mission also condemned the Libyan National Army (LNA) forces indiscriminate bombardment of Tripoli with rockets, many of which have landed on civilian neighbourhoods, resulting in casualties.




UNSMIL has warned that acts of revenge will further escalate the conflict, and lead to a cycle of revenge that threatens the social fabric in Libya.




“The Mission calls on parties to the conflict to deescalate, curb incitement, and immediately respect the repeated calls by the Secretary-General [of the United Nations] and international partners for a humanitarian pause,” the statement added.



To  fight Covid-19 : #stayathome







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