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Coronavirus: U.S. reaffirms commitment to support Niger

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Niamey, Niger, April 15 (Infosplusgabon) - U.S. Ambassador to Niger Eric P. Whitaker on Wednesday reaffirmed his country's commitment to support Niger in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

In an message entitled "American assistance saves lives", the U.S. diplomat notes that Niger is "in an unprecedented global crisis for generations, but the United States is ready to support it in the fight against this pandemic".


"If we can help countries contain epidemics, we will save lives abroad and in the United States," Whitaker said, noting that since the Covid-19 outbreak, the U.S. government has committed nearly US$500 million in aid.


"This funding will improve public health education, protect health facilities and increase laboratory capacity, disease surveillance and rapid response in more than 60 of the world's most at-risk countries, all in an effort to help contain epidemics and slow or stop the spread of the disease."





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