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Coronavirus: More than 80% of Tunisian companies affected by pandemic

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Tunis, Tunisia, April 13 (Infosplusgabon) – More than 80% of Tunisian companies in different sectors have been affected by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, a survey by the Arab Institute of company leaders (AICL) has found.


The crisis has caused a halt in production, closure of sales points, suspension of the network of sharing between companies, as well as international trade.


The survey, whose date of publication was not indicated, stressed that companies affected by the crisis vary from one sector to another.


The crisis has strongly affected 85.11% of industrial companies, 69.23% of the engineering sector, 76% of trading companies, 78.79% of services associated to companies, 90.9% of services linked to private individuals and 80.77 of companies operating in other sectors.


The number of transactions has slumped by 52.66% for industrial companies, 46.67% for start-ups, 61.88% for trading companies, 47.26% for services associated to companies and 70% for companies providing services to private individuals and 58% in other sectors, the survey found.




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