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Ghanaian Christians celebrate Easter quietly because of coronavirus restrictions

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Accra, Ghana, April 12 (Infosplusgabon) - Christians in Ghana are on Sunday joining other faithful around the world to celebrate Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Lord and saviour.


For Christians, it is the single most important holy day of the Church, as it is the central event in Christianity.


But this year in Ghana, as in other parts of the world, the celebrations are muted because of restrictions in place in the face of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) which has infected more than 1.77 million people and claimed more than 100,000 lives in the world as at Sunday morning. Ghana has 408 confirmed cases with eight deaths.


In Ghana, where three cities and two townships have been on lockdown, churches and mosques shut and mass gatherings banned, among other restrictive measures, Christians will not attend church services to celebrate the risen Christ.


At dawn on Sunday, there were no processions amidst singing, drumming and jubilation to announce that Christ is risen.


The pastors are reaching the faithful through television and on line streaming with their sermons.


President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in a broadcast last Thursday night noted that citizens are used to attending Easter conventions, making-merry, visiting friends and family, and having a good time.


He, however, urged all to do "the exact opposite". "Stay at home. I ask you to keep your distance from your parents, grandparents and extended family, and celebrate this holiday apart," he said.





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